Artist Proof (AP)These represent a small number of prints taken at the same time as the original edition, for the artist’s personal use or sale. They often acquire more value because of personal association with the artist.
BiteThe etching action on metal.
Bled ImageThe image extends to the edge of the paper with no margins.
BurnishingRubbing the reverse side of the printing paper which has been placed over the inked surface of the block, with a smooth rounded object.
CarborundumAn abrasive in either solid or powder form, used for sharpening engraving and lino cutting tools or for grinding the old surface off lithography stones.
Colour SeparationA separate drawing for each colour to be used in the print.
DabberA soft leather/fabric inking pad used to ink a block instead of a roller.
DeckleIrregular edges of all four sides of hand made paper and the two of mould-made paper. False deckle is created by tearing the edge of the paper.
Editioned PrintA set of identical prints taken from a plate or block in the final stage. The numbers on a print show the order of printing and the size of the edition, i.e. 8/25, the ‘8’ represents the eighth print taken and the ’25’ represents the total number in the edition. This number excludes artist’s proofs.
Hand Coloured PrintA print where colour has been added after printing, usually with watercolour or drawing inks.
MonochromeA single colour, not necessarily black.
OffsetA transfer method taking a printed impression from one surface to another.
Opaque ColoursColours through which light does not pass, which can be overprinted, blocking out the colours beneath.
PlanographicPrinting from an entirely flat surface as in lithography.
RegistrationThe correct alignment of each block or plate when printing several colours on a single sheet of paper, giving accurate positioning.
Stages/StatesWorking proofs taken from the blocks or plates at various stages to enable the arfist to judge the progress of the work.
Transparent ColoursColours which can be overprinted producing a further colour or colours.