Chris Richford

In 2004 I moved to Norwich to I study biology and natural sciences at UEA. I completed my education with an MSc in Plant Genetics and Crop improvement at the John Innes Centre. Despite, or maybe because of my fascination with the natural sciences I have always pursued art in my own time and over the years I have practiced as many mediums as I’ve been able to lay my hands on. Beginning, of course with drawing and moving through painting, sculpture and most recently, Taxidermy. I have now re-discovered a passion for relief printing, primarily lino-cut. I also learned silk screen printing a few years ago and it is through printmaking that I’m seeking to bring my artwork to the public. The primary thread of my practice has always been a love for and fascination with all aspects of the natural world and the science and spirituality which helps us to understand it. I have a great respect for the wildlife artists who depict nature as it is. Though as much as I try to be accurate, I think we can’t really create art about nature without it becoming a kind of mirror for the human condition.

Contact Details

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